Wednesday, March 25, 2009

i've never known how

Function: noun
Etymology: alteration of God be with you
Date: circa 1580
1. : a concluding remark or gesture at parting - often used interjectionally
2. : a taking of leave - <a tearful good-bye>

break up
Function: verb
Date: 15th Century
1. : a. to cease to exist as a unified whole : Disperse - <a partnership broke up>
1. : b. to end a romance
2. : to lose moral, composure, or resolution

Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, to Old English forgietan
Date: Before 12th Century
1. : to lose the remembrance of : be unable to recall <I forgot his name>
2. : to treat with unattention or disregard <forget their old friends>
3. : to disregard intentionally : Overlook - usually used in the imperative
4. : to cease in remembering <forgive and forget>
5. : to fail to become mindful at the proper time <forget about paying the bill>

Today I'm reminding myself of all these words.
Today I'm pushing away, I'm freeing myself.
Today I'm smiling and getting over you.

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