Saturday, June 6, 2009

BK Day Two

Ok, so day two was a bit ago, it may not be as detailed as the last. but here it is: today i decided to go out in bk, find a coffee shop, find a bagel, find some free wifi. I found all three. I went to the bagel shop, so appropriately named 'the bagel shop.' I got an egg and cheese on everything, delicious! as i sat there in the window seat overlooking metro. ave i thought to myself, 'wow, this bagel is so good. that guy over there is cute, is he looking at me?' and of course the guy wasn't looking at me, he was staring at the big piece of poppy seed that was stuck in my front teeth. man, i am so classy.

after leaving the bagel shop i took a stroll down bedford found a coffee shop, didn't have free wifi, but did have some tasty green tea and a very cute dog sitting out front. after sitting there for a while i gathered my things and went down - back towards the house. in my adventure i found a sign 'free wifi' so of course i go right in, order a salad (no, i was not hungry but i didn't want to steal wifi without being a customer because i was the only customer in the joint.) this place, what seemed so innocent, this 'papa limas' was a meat market/sandwich shop. i was a little terrified when a man came in and order a slab of beef. gross.

after my meat packing adventure i headed to the house. i sat around, we ordered pizza and i walked to the corner store and bought a coke. we ate the pizza. kate and roommates didn't want to go out so i was wrapping my mind around the idea of just hanging and sleeping. when 12am hits i receive a phone call from j.c. i tell him the situation, he says that's lame and i should come meet him in LES. i do.

this leads to me binge drinking with joesphx3 (j.c., joe, and joseph) until the sun comes up. we hit up darkroom, i dance, i drink, i sing, i'm pretty flipping marry. i convince the boys we need to venture out of the dark so we do. we stroll across the street to some bar i can never remember the name of, it's like san maria or ana maria or something like that. anyway we drink more, j.c. and i act like we're riding on a magic carpet. it was fun.

by this point it's 4am and the bars are shutting down so of course what else can we do, go home - i think not, we buy beer and head to j.c.'s apartment. we sit, drink, talk, become marry and then pot is a must for joseph so him and joe leave. this is when i realize the sun is up, it is 6am and i'm not going back to bk until after i sleep. yeah, drunk girl on the subway at 6am by herself - fun times, not.

j.c. and i crash hard and wake up the next day at like 3 to rain and wind and cold weather. we made the best of it though, more to come about my third day adventures later. at this point i still haven't spotted hot next door neighbor, damn it.

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